I love people in love. I did the Malone/Maynard wedding 2 weeks a go.It was an outdoor wedding at her parent's house which is tucked back in the woods on a lake.It was such an awesome setting.I couldn't believe the attention to ALL the little details.This was probably the most personal wedding I've ever seen.Everything was so heart-felt.

At the front of the property is an original barn that Megan's grandpa had built.(I think she said it's around 100 years old.Megan-hope thats somewhat right.)It was really cool.Wide planks of weathered wood and thick beams.We only took a few there because a storm was rolling in and we lost our daylight.

What is it about a father giving his daughter away? It always chokes me up a little-even when it's a happy situation like Megan's.

Could they be any cuter? I'm really excited to see what life has in store for them. Thanks for letting me share this day with you!