Thursday, January 15, 2009

New Year , New Blog!

Happy 2009! I have finally jumped on the blogging band wagon. I am excited to have a place to share some of my photo shoots.I get to meet such interesting people and share in some of the coolest experiences.That brings me to my first post.

I was invited to capture the love shared by the" W " family during their Wigilia.This is the Polish Christmas Eve dinner and is very formal. They use their best china & silverware - not a paper plate to be seen.They start cooking days in advance. The most beautiful part of this night was when they broke apart their Oplatek(like a communion wafer but larger) and shared prayers and well wishes with EVERY single person there.It was very moving and I felt a bit intrusive with my camera but I loved the pictures!After dinner, the men all get their personalized aprons on and clean up. That's right ladies-they do the dishes.The women sat down,drank coffee and visited with each other. (I think I like this tradition!) The men seemed to have so much fun while they did the dishes.I heard a lot of laughing & teasing going on.After everything was cleaned up, they joined the women by the Christmas tree and sang Christmas carols. I took a few family pictures and called it a night. For the rest of the night and even into the next day-I kept thinking about the warmth and love that they shared with each other.It wasn't about the presents or who came the farthest.It was truly caring about each other and that is the real Christmas spirit.Thanks so much to the "W" family for sharing this special tradition and reminding me what Christmas is really about.

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