Paul came to see me for his senior pictures last week. It was pretty chilly out but Paul and his mom were game for some outdoor shots. Paul-this one is your cd cover.

Love the sepia on this one. I kind of feel bad for seniors...such big decisions to make.It seems like there are so many more opportunities now then when I was a senior. (not that long ago...really.) Much harder to make a choice.My one piece of advice-love what you do and you'll never work a day in your life.I can't remember who said that but how true.

I still see the little boy in this one. I've known Paul since he was in 4th grade. Same smile. Same humor.A great athlete but equally great musician.Paul-I hope you keep your music alive.

This is one of my favorites. One of them. Jane-have fun picking. Tough choices, girlfriend.

I LOVE this one. It's SO them!! Jane-if you even say anything negative about this picture I will delete the whole file!!For real. Seriously, they have a really close relationship. It's beautiful to see. Love & respect.

Don't even ask. By picture #345 we were getting slap-happy. Paul-just out of respect for you-I didn't put the pumpkin one or the little white stool one in here. I'm saving those...
I really loved doing your pictures. I've watched you grow into a nice,young man and I can't wait to see what you do with your life.