While we were on our annual trip to Minnesota-I was able to do a few family portraits.Jeff,Paola,Nicci & Brooke were my first family.They look like they should be in a magazine!This is a barn that I have been admiring for a few years. It's perfect! The poor guy who owns it.I knocked on his door to ask if I could take a few pictures by his barn. I was totally out of breath and only half my words were coming out.He probably thought I was a crazy lady.(some of you might agree) He couldn't fathom why we wanted to use his barn. He doesn't see how cool looking it is.He just sees that it needs a coat of paint.I hope he never paints it.

I love these casual shots. This is the "real" them. Teenagers just don't stand with perfect posture,heads tilted at the "right" angle.They want to be comfortable...chill...I can't think of any other cool words.You get the picture.

Don't they look like they are in the Secret Garden? This is the path from one of the cabins to the place where we park our cars.It's so beautiful up there.

I felt really bad about this.I had the bright idea to have them standing in a field.Little did we know that it was an ant colony!Literally thousand's(okay-maybe hundreds) of ants everywhere!I've never seen anything like it.

Nicci could still feel them crawling.You know how that is after you know they are there.You feel them everywhere!

The show must go on though!We snapped this one really fast and got the heck out of there.They were crawling in our pant legs,on our feet(of course they were much worse for these guys than myself.)-EEEEWWWW!I can feel them right now.We were getting rid of ants for the rest of the shoot. I'm so sorry you guys!

Thanks Olson family.Your pictures turned out beautiful!It makes my job a lot easier when my clients are so photogenic!